Winged Victory is #2 in the Camfield series and was published in April 1982. The British Pan edition was also published in 1982.
The Earl of Poynton is amazed when Cledra asks him to purchase her horse, Winged Victory, in order to prevent his ill treatment from her cruel uncle.
The (US) Camfield/Jove version shows our hero looking on as the heroine nuzzles with her horse. Done by an unknown artist, all we see is that it's a story about a horse and that the heroine looks about 12! Above Cartland's name is a little outline logo of a mansion, which is assumed to be Camfield.
The Pan (UK) version has a more interesting cover of the hero rescuing the heroine from a villain and an explosion! We see her horse, but he's running in the background. Again, this is done by an unknown artist, but I like this cover much better. I wonder why the Jove didn't use this cover? Which do you like better?
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