The Sign of Love is #77 in the Bantam series and was published in December 1977. It is the story of Bettina Charlwood who is taken from convent school in France and goes straight to a yachting party along with her father that is going to the celebration of the opening of the Suez Canal. She then is pursued by two very different men!
Francis Marshall illustrates a very pretty scene aboard the yacht with our couple talking as they gaze our at the scene in the harbor with many other colorful ships and flags. Our heroine is beautiful in a blue and white bustle dress and a tiny straw hat that matches her outfit! Note her white parasol. Our hero is dashing in a black jacket and gray trousers.
The opening of the Suez Canal in November 1869 allowed water transportation between Europe and Asia without having to travel around Africa.
I adored this cover -- I wanted to wear a dress just like this!